kmcmultiple *********** Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of multiple holes or electrons in periodic boundary conditions The following table contains the defaults input options for the calculator, The default `OPTIONAL` means this option is switched off, if no input is given. `REQUIRED` arguments have to be specified, otherwise an error is thrown. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 30 20 15 15 :align: center * - Property Name - Default Value - Description - Valid Input * - runtime - 1e-4 - | Simulated time in seconds (if a number smaller than 100 | is given) or number of KMC steps (if a number larger than | 100 is given) - float+ * - outputtime - 1E-8 - | Time difference between outputs into the trajectory file. | Set to 0 if you wish to have no trajectory written out. - float+ * - trajectoryfile - trajectory.csv - Name of the trajectory file - * - ratefile - rates.dat - File to write rates - * - occfile - occupation.dat - File to write occupation - * - seed - 123 - Integer to initialise the random number generator - int+ * - injectionpattern - * - | Name pattern that specifies on which sites injection is | possible. Use the wildcard '*' to inject on any site. - * - injectionmethod - random - | random: injection sites are selected randomly (generally | the recommended option); equilibrated: sites are chosen | such that the expected energy per carrier is matched, | possibly speeding up convergence - random * - numberofcarriers - 1 - Number of electrons/holes in the simulation box - int+ * - field - 0.0 0.0 0.0 - external electric field - * - carriertype - electron - | Specifies the carrier type of the transport under consideration. | - | electron | hole | singlet | triplet * - temperature - 300 - Temperature in Kelvin. - float+ * - maxrealtime - 1E10 - Maximum clocktime allow to the calculation(Seconds) - float+ * - ignoresegments - - Segment types to be ignored in KMC - .. note:: An *xml* file containing the defaults for the `kmcmultiple` calculator can be created via `-p kmcmultiple -o FILENAME` command line options `