molpol ****** Tool to scale distributed polarisibilites to DFT polarisibilites The following table contains the defaults input options for the calculator, The default `OPTIONAL` means this option is switched off, if no input is given. `REQUIRED` arguments have to be specified, otherwise an error is thrown. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 30 20 15 15 :align: center * - Property Name - Default Value - Description - Valid Input * - polar.tolerance_energy - 5e-5 - | if energy difference for this region is below this value | it is considered converged - float+ * - polar.tolerance_dipole - 5e-5 - | convergence for interior iterations to converge polarisation | response, solving linear syste, - float+ * - polar.max_iter - 500 - Maximum number of iterations for interior iteration - * - polar.exp_damp - 0.39 - Thole sharpness parameter - * - job_name - system - | Input file name without extension, also used for intermediate | files - * - input - OPTIONAL - mps to read from, otherwise use job_name - * - output - OPTIONAL - File to write mps and polarisation to - * - mode - qmpackage - Read the polar target from a file or a qmpackage logfile - | file | qmpackage * - target_polarisability - OPTIONAL - should have this format: pxx pxy pxz pyy pyz pzz - * - qmpackage - orca - qmpackage name if mode is qmpackage - orca * - logfile - system.log - | logfile of qmpackage to read Target polarisability from | if mode is qmpackage - * - tolerance - 1e-4 - convergence tolerance - float+ * - iterations - 100 - maximum number of iterations - int+ .. note:: An *xml* file containing the defaults for the `molpol` calculator can be created via `-p molpol -o FILENAME` command line options `