spectrum ******** Convolutes singlet spectrum with gaussian or lorentzian function The following table contains the defaults input options for the calculator, The default `OPTIONAL` means this option is switched off, if no input is given. `REQUIRED` arguments have to be specified, otherwise an error is thrown. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 30 20 15 15 :align: center * - Property Name - Default Value - Description - Valid Input * - input - OPTIONAL - orbfile to read from, otherwise use job_name - * - output - OPTIONAL - ASCII output filename, if not given use job_name - * - job_name - system - | Input file name without extension, also used for intermediate | files - * - fwhm - 0.2 - peak width in eV - float+ * - lower - 0.0 - lower bound of spectrum in eV - float+ * - upper - 3.5 - upper bound of spectrum in eV - float+ * - points - 100 - datapoints between upper and lower to calculate - int+ * - type - energy - print put energy/wavelength (eV/nm) - | energy | wavelength * - minexc - 0 - lowest exciton to include in spectrum - int+ * - maxexc - 10000 - highest exciton to include in spectrum - int+ * - shift - 0.0 - shift spectrum by amount of eV - float+ .. note:: An *xml* file containing the defaults for the `spectrum` calculator can be created via `-p spectrum -o FILENAME` command line options `