CSG Tutorial¶
Please pick topics you are most interested in, since finishing the tutorial might take longer than one afternoon.
Building VOTCA¶
Instructions how to build and install VOTCA can be found here.
Using the tutorials¶
All the tutorials are in the installation folder, i.e.
The manual¶
The CSG manual can be found here
Running GROMACS¶
The tutorial uses GROMACS, a molecular dynamics (MD) package, for
generating the reference data. If you are not familiar with GROMACS,
please read the following section for a brief overview on how to set up
and run MD simulations using GROMACS. You can find all the GROMACS input
files in the atomistic
folder of each tutorial, e.g., for a box of
atomistic water see csg-tutorials/spce/atomistic/
Input files¶
You will need four files to run MD simulations
- stores the coordinates of the molecule(s). It can be viewed with vmd. The default file name isconf.gro
- stores all simulation options, such as time step, number of simulation steps, etc.topol.top
- topology of the moleculeforcefield.itp
- description of the atomistic force-field (not always needed)
During this tutorial, you will need to modify
- number of MD stepsnstxout
- output frequency of coordinates to the trajectory file traj.trrnstfout
- output frequency of forces to traj.trrnstxout-compressed
- output frequency to the traj.xtc file, often used by the iterative Boltzmann inversion methodnstlog
- output frequency of the md.log filenstenergy
- output frequency to the ener.edr file containing all thermodynamic information
MD simulations¶
To run MD simulations using GROMACS, first one must create a binary
topology file topol.tpr
using the gmx grompp
program. Then run
the MD integrator using the gmx mdrun
program. topol.tpr
contains conf.gro
, grompp.mdp
, topol.top
, and
gmx grompp -c conf.gro # -c is needed if other than conf.gro file is used
gmx mdrun -v # -v (verbose) gives the estimate of the run time
Running other MD programs¶
In addition to GROMACS, VOTCA supports ESPResSo
, Lammps
, HOOMD-blue
, and ESPResSo++
. The interface to these
is a bit more advanced, meaning VOTCA will allow you to do more crazy
things and warn you less about settings, which might not make sense at
all. Let’s have a look at csg-tutorials/spce/ibi_espressopp/
, ibi_espresso
, ibi_dlpoly
, and
are pretty similar)
Running ESPResSo++¶
Let’s have a look at csg-tutorials/spce/ibi_espressopp/
Here is an example of the ESPResSo++ input files to run the CG MD
simulations of the Iterative Boltzmann inversion procedure:
- stores the coordinates of the molecule(s). It can be viewed with vmd. A pdb or xyz file would be okay, too.spce.py
- is the simulation script which will be called by csg_inverse. It stores the whole simulation procedure.topol.xml
- topology of the molecule, defined in the initial condition. This is needed as most gro/pdb/xyz files have no molecule definition in them.
Running LAMMPS¶
Now, let’s have a look at csg-tutorials/spce/ibi_lammps/
containing an example of LAMMPS input files to run the CG
MD simulations of the Iterative Boltzmann inversion procedure:
- stores the coordinates of the molecule(s).spce.in
- is the simulation script which will be called by csg_inverse. It stores the whole simulation procedure.
Mapping an atomistic trajectory onto a coarse-grained trajectory¶
SPC/E Water¶
Folder: csg-tutorials/spce/atomistic/
Have a look at the center of mass mapping file water.xml
in this
folder. Use csg_map
to create a coarse-grained configuration (adjust
the corresponding command in the run.sh
script to map conf.gro
instead of confout.gro
). Visualize both configurations with vmd.
(execute vmd conf.gro &
Create a mapping file where the center of a coarse-grained water molecule is not the center of mass, but a different one, e.g., the charge center of the atomistic one.
Run a short MD simulation of a box of SPC/E water using GROMACS. (This
is needed later for the different coarse-graining (CG) methods.) The
input files are in the same folder (csg-tutorials/spce/atomistic/
Due to limited time, decrease the number of steps (nsteps
) in
to a reasonable value (5000-10000
) and adjust the
output frequency of the trajectory, .log, and .edr files to, e.g.,
50-100 (nstxout
, nstfout
, nstlog
, nstenergy):
gmx grompp # combines conf.gro, topol.top, and grompp.mdp, and forcefield.itp (which is in the gromos43a1.ff folder of GROMACS) into topol.tpr
gmx mdrun -v # runs MD integrator. The trajectory is saved to traj.trr
Map this short atomistic trajectory to a CG trajectory using csg_map
(adjust the corresponding line in the run.sh
script to map
onto traj_cg.trr
instead of conf(out).gro
Iterative Boltzmann inversion (IBI) for SPC/E water¶
Here, a one-site coarse-grained (CG) model of a rigid 3-site water molecule (SPC/E model) is constructed (see the previous section of the tutorial) using the iterative Boltzmann inversion (IBI) method. The center of the CG bead is chosen to be the center of mass (COM) of a molecule. The target radial distribution function (RDF) is calculated from the CG bead coordinates obtained by mapping the reference atomistic trajectory. In the last step, a coarse-grained potential is obtained by matching the RDFs of the atomisitc and CG systems using the IBI method. For a more detailed description, look at the following publication: [Ruehle:2009.a]
Atomistic simulation¶
A short atomistic MD simulation has been already run in the last part of
the previous section (see folder: csg-tutorials/spce/atomistic/
You can extract all thermodynamic information (total energy, kinetic
energy, pressure, etc.) from the binary ener.edr
file using
gmx energy
. Running the Extract_Energies.sh
script does this for
you (see the corresponding command line in the run.sh
script). It
creates an additional subfolder energies
with all thermodynamic
./Extract_Energies.sh $equi # The argument $equi is optional. If provided, analysis will start at the corresponding time frame (in GROMACS units, ps) (e.g. 1 to 5)
Calculation of RDF¶
Once again, check the mapping file water.xml
. Atom names listed in
the definition of the COM bead should correspond to those used in the
file. You can use csg_dump
to check this:
csg_dump --top topol.tpr
Check the options file settings.xml
. It contains the section of the
corresponding non-bonded interaction (CG-CG
). After this, calculate
the center of mass RDF:
csg_stat --top topol.tpr --trj traj.trr --cg water.xml --options settings.xml (--nt 3 --begin $equi) # ( ) denotes additional options: --nt # number of threads to run calculation in parallel with more then one threads (e.g. 3), --begin # time frame in GROMACS units (ps) to start analysis (e.g. 1 to 5)
Compare your RDF with CG-CG.dist.tgt
in csg-tutorials/spce/ibi/
which has been calculated with a much longer atomistic simulation run.
Running IBI¶
Now switch to the folder: csg-tutorials/spce/ibi/
. Reduce the number
of MD steps in grompp.mdp
and adjust the equilibration time in the
settings.xml file (cg.gromacs.equi_time
) to a lower value (time
frame in GROMACS units (ps) at which the analysis of the CG trajectory
is started in each IBI step). Finally, start the IBI iterations:
csg_inverse --options settings.xml
At each iteration step, the current CG potential is CG-CG.pot.cur
Then, the CG-MD simulation is performed and the CG-CG RDF
) is determined. Finally, the CG potential is
updated: CG-CG.pot.new
Calculate the pressure after several iterations using gmx energy
You can do this by copying the Extract_Energies.sh
script from the
main folder (csg-tutorials/spce/ibi/
) to the appropriate step folder
) and executing it (type ./Extract_Energies.sh
). Again,
it will create a subfolder energies. You may notice that the pressure of
the CG simulation is significantly too high. This can be adjusted by
applying a pressure correction. To do so, add an appropriate post update
option to the settings file, so that a (simple) pressure correction is
applied. You can check the corresponding section of the manual.
Inverse Monte Carlo (IMC) for SPC/E water¶
Developing a CG potential with the inverse Monte Carlo (IMC) method
works in a similar way as in the IBI example. The IMC procedure, again,
requires the coarse-grained RDF of the single bead mapping based on the
atomistic simulation as input. Therefore, in csg-tutorials/spce/imc
again, the RDF of a long atomistic simulation run is proveded:
It is required to reduce the number of MD steps in grompp.mdp
and to
adjust the equilibration time in the settings.xml
) to a lower value. IMC converges faster than
IBI, but needs a better statistical sampling in each CG step. Therefore,
the number of MD steps should be larger than in the IBI tutorial. Start
the IMC iterations:
csg_inverse --options settings.xml
Again, the current CG potential is CG-CG.pot.cur
, the CG-CG RDF is
and the updated CG potential is: CG-CG.pot.new
Calculate the pressure after several iterations using gmx energy
compare it with the IBI tutorial. You can do this by copying the
script from the main folder
) to the appropriate step folder
) and executing it.
Relative entropy (RE) minimization for SPC/E water¶
Relative entropy (RE) minimization based coarse-graining of SPC/E water
works similar to the IBI and the IMC example above. The reference
atomistic simulation and the CG mapping are the same as in the IBI
example. Again, in csg-tutorials/spce/re/
, the RDF of a long
atomistic simulation run is provided: CG-CG.dist.tgt
. In this
tutorial, the water-water CG potential is modeled using a cubic B-spline
functional form. An initial guess for the cubic B-spline knot values is
provided in CG-CG.param.init. At each iteration step, the CG potential
table is computed from the current CG parameters (CG-CG.param.cur
the CG-MD simulation is performed, and the CG-CG RDF
) is determined. Finally, the new CG potential
parameters (CG-CG.param.new
) are computed using the relative entropy
minimization algorithm. Reduce the number of MD steps in grompp.mdp
adjust the equilibration time in the settings.xml
) and start the RE iterations:
csg_inverse --options settings.xml
Again, the current CG potential is CG-CG.pot.cur
, the CG-CG RDF is
and the updated CG potential is: CG-CG.pot.new
Calculate the pressure after several iterations using gmx energy
compare it with the IBI tutorial. Again, you can do this by copying the
script from the main folder
) to the appropriate step folder
) and executing it. For a more detailed description of the
RE method, look at the following publication: [mashayakrelative]
Force matching for SPC/E water¶
We will now derive a non-bonded CG potential for SPC/E using the force matching method.
Atomistic simulation¶
Basis for the force matching procedure is an atomistic MD simulation.
All files are found in the atomistic folder
). If you have done the above
tutorials, you have already generated the files of the atomistic md run.
If not, then do so. Adjust the number of time steps to a reasonable
value (5000-10000
) and also choose an appropriate output frequency
of the trajectory. Make sure, both, coordinates and forces are written
to the trajectory file (nstxout
and nstfout
should have the same
value in grompp.mdp
Force matching (FM)¶
All files for running the actual force matching calculation can be found
in csg-tutorials/spce/force_matching/
. Have a look at the settings
file (fmatch.xml
). In the general force matching section
), the number of frames to read in simultaneously
) and the type of LS solver (constrainedLS) are
fixed (it is preferred to use constrained LS). The fmatch block of the
interaction (cg.non-bonded.fmatch
) contains the interaction range
and max
), the step size for the internal spline
representation (step
) and the output step (out_step
). min
and max
have to be adjusted to be within the range of the RDF (see
the calculation of RDF section of the IBI tutorial). Run the FM
calculation (see also the corresponding line of the run.sh
csg_fmatch --top ../atomistic/topol.tpr --trj ../atomistic/traj.trr --options fmatch.xml --cg water.xml (--begin $equi ) # ( ) denotes additional option: , --begin # time frame in GROMACS units (ps) to start analysis (e.g. 1 to 5)
To obtain the CG potential, the CG force has to be integrated. (see the
appropriate lines in the run.sh
csg_call table integrate CG-CG.force CG-CG.pot # integrates the table
csg_call table linearop CG-CG.pot CG-CG.pot -1 0 # multiplication of all table values by -1 (potential)
Change the spline grid (step
), blocksize, and parameter
constrainedLS. This should provide an overview of the whole procedure.
Running of CG simulation¶
To run a CG simulation with GROMACS, the potential has to be converted
to a potential table, GROMACS can read (table_CG_CG.xvg
). (Check the
inverse section in the fmatch.xml
for the corresponding options):
csg_call --options fmatch.xml --ia-name CG-CG --ia-type non-bonded convert_potential gromacs --clean input.pot table_CG_CG.xvg # calls convert_potential gromacs. Unsampled regions for distances smaller than the min value are extrapolated.
To run a CG simulation, you will need the conf.gro
, topol.top
and grompp.mdp
files. You can use the ones of the ibi
tutorial, and adjust the number of timesteps and output settings. Then
run the simulation. Afterwards, you can calculate the RDF and
thermodynamic data as explained in the IBI tutorial. You can also use
the Extract_Energies.sh
script of the IBI tutorial. When calculating
the RDF from the CG simulation, you don’t need a mapping file and the
option can be omitted.
Compare the CG potential, the RDF and thermodynamics with the ones of the IBI, IMC or RE method (or any other method) and with the atomistic simulation. You will see that different methods lead to significantly different interaction potentials and a single site water model with a pair interaction potential is not capable of reproducing the RDF and thermodynamics at the same time. (Reason: three-body contributions are important but cannot be projected onto a two-body coarse-grained force-field. To see how to calculate analytic non-bonded three-body interactions with VOTCA, look at the tutorial below).
Force matching for SPC/E water with 3body SW interactions¶
Force matching (FM)¶
All files for running the actual force matching calculation can be found in
. Have a look at the settings file (fmatch.xml
As for the force matching of two-body forces, in the general force matching section
), the number of frames to read in simultaneously (frames_per_block
and the type of LS solver (constrainedLS) are fixed (it is preferred to use constrained LS).
There are now two non-bonded interaction sections in fmatch.xml
, one for the
two-body and one for the three-body force indicated with the additional option threebody
The fmatch block of each interaction (cg.non-bonded.fmatch
) contains
the interaction range (min
and max
), the step size for the internal
spline representation (step
) and the output step (out_step
). Again, the
and max
of the two-body force have to be adjusted to be within
the range of the RDF (see the calculation of RDF section of the IBI tutorial).
The three-body force is of the Stillinger-Weber type consisting of a tabulated
angular potential between three water molecules multiplied by two analytical
exponential decay terms as prefactors (see equation (4) of
publication [scherer_understanding_2018]) The interaction range of the angular
potential has to be adjusted with (min
and max
) in units of radians in the fmatch
block (cg.non-bonded.fmatch). The parameters fmatch.a
determine the cutoff and
the steepness of the two exponential terms. They have to be
adjusted empirically. The values of a=0.37 nm and gamma=0.08 mean that the
three-body potential gets fully switched on in the first interaction shell of
the RDF over a range of 0.08 nm.
Run the FM calculation (see also the corresponding line of the run.sh
csg_fmatch --top ../atomistic/topol.tpr --trj ../atomistic/traj.trr --options fmatch.xml --cg water.xml (--begin $equi ) # ( ) denotes additional option: , --begin # time frame in GROMACS units (ps) to start analysis (e.g. 1 to 5)
To obtain the two-body CG potential, the CG force has to be integrated.
Before, it is multiplied by a switching function to guarantee a smooth decay to
zero at the pair cutoff. (see the appropriate lines in the run.sh
csg_call table switch_border CG-CG.force CG-CG.force_switched 1.0 # multiplication of all table values at distance > 1.0 with switching function
csg_call table integrate CG-CG.force_switched CG-CG.pot # integrates the table
csg_call table linearop CG-CG.pot CG-CG.pot -1 0 # multiplication of all table values by -1 (potential)
Due to the functional form ot the SW potential, VOTCA outputs the three-body force in angular direction, CG-CG-CG.force, as well as the angular potential, CG-CG-CG.pot. Therefore, the three-body force does not have to be numerically integrated.
Have a look at the two-body potential and compare it to the FM result from above without three-body interactions. You will see that the resulting two-body force is significantly more attractive. The reason is that part of the short-range attraction is compensated by the three-body term as it also has a non-negligible radial force component.
Running of CG simulation with LAMMPS¶
To run a CG simulation with LAMMPS, the potential files have to be converted to
potential tables, LAMMPS can read. For pair forces this is a table format according
to the LAMMPS pair_style table. Have a look at the settings file (convert_tables.xml
The entry (cg.non-bonded.step
) should be set to the size of the output step of the
pair force table (in this case 0.001 nm). The block (cg.non-bonded.inverse.lammps
contains the table settings of the LAMMPS potential table. The distance units have to be changed
from nm to Ang (scale
) and the energy units from kJ/mol to kcal/mol (y_scale
). The setting
of avg_points
to 1 allows for a smoother extrapolation of the potential to unsampled
regions. Now convert the two-body potential:
csg_call --options convert_tables.xml --ia-name CG-CG-CG --ia-type angle convert_potential lammps --clean --no-shift input_angular.pot table_CG_CG_CG.txt # calls convert_potential lammps. Unsampled regions for distances smaller than the min value are extrapolated. The --ia-type angle implies a unit conversion from radiants to degrees and the option --no-shift prevents a shifting of the potential.
To run a CG simulation, one needs a LAMMPS data file (spce.data
) with the CG starting
configuration, an input file (spce.in
) and a Stillinger-Weber file (spce.sw
You can use the data file of the LAMMPS IBI tutorial (csg-tutorials/spce/atomistic/ibi_lammps
or the one in this folder containing 1000 CG water molecules. (You can check how the converted
2-body and 3-body tables should look like in: csg-tutorials/ml/3body_reference
The LAMMPS input file has to be adjusted to include the tabulated two-body (pair_style table),
as well as, three-body SW (pair_style sw/angle/table) interactions. Therefore it contains the
additional lines:
pair_style hybrid/overlay table linear 1200 sw/angle/table
- use a combination of pair_style table with 1200 linear table entries and the pair_style sw/angle/tablepair_coeff 1 1 table table_CG_CG.txt VOTCA
- set the table name and keyword for the pair_style tablepair_coeff * * sw/angle/table spce.sw type
- set the name of the Stillinger-Weber file for the pair_style sw/angle/table
The Stillinger-Weber file is a file containing the parameters of the SW potential. For a detailed description, have a look at the LAMMPS documentation. Additional lines link to the tabulated angular potential:
- file name of tabulated angular potentialVOTCA
- keyword for tabulated angular potentiallinear
- angular table is of linear style1001
- 1001 table entries
The pair_style sw/angle/table is included in the MANYBODY package of the LAMMPS
stable release from the 23rd of June 2022. Therefore, you have to compile a recent LAMMPS
version <https://github.com/lammps/lammps> with the MANYBODY package to run the simulation. The additional source
files (pair_sw_angle_table.cpp
) and header (pair_sw_angle_table.h
are also available at <https://gitlab.mpcdf.mpg.de/votca/lammps>.
Once compiled LAMMPS, you can run the simulation with the following command:
lmp < spce.in > spce.out # runs LAMMPS and store log file with thermodynamic output in spce.out.
If you have installed and want to run LAMMPS with MPI parallelization, use the
command mpirun -np n_proc lmp_mpi
where n_proc
stands for the number of processors.
Adjust the appropriate line in the run.sh
script. You can calculate the RDF and the angular
distribution with:
csg_stat --options calculate_distributions.xml --top traj.dump --trj traj.dump # call csg_stat with different settings.xml file
Now have a look at calculate_distributions.xml
. It has two cg.non-bonded
blocks for
the calculating the RDF and the angular distribution function between three CG sites.
Have in mind that the distance units of the LAMMPS simulation are Ang and the beadtype in
the LAMMPS trajectory file is now 1
instead of CG
in the mapped atomistic GROMACS
trajectory. The option cg.non-bonded.threebody
has to be set to true
to calculate
an angular distribution function between all beads within a cutoff of cg.non-bonded.cut
Change the value of cg.non-bonded.cut
and see, how the angular distribution function changes.
Now, calculate the angular distribution also for the atomistic and the coarse-grained two-body
FM and IBI, IMC or RE models. To do so adjust the calculate_distributions.xml
, max
, and step
to either nm or Ang) and bead types
, type2
, and type3
). Now, compare the RDF, the angular distribution and
thermodynamics with the ones of the two-body FM, IBI, IMC or RE method (or any other method)
and with the atomistic simulation. You will see that the RDF, angular distribution and
thermodynamics (e.g. pressure in spce.out) are in much better agreement with the atomistic
simulation than e.g. for two-body FM.
Visualization of IBI updates¶
Go to the folder csg-tutorials/spce/realtime
. Execute the run.sh
Coarse-graining of liquid methanol¶
In the folder csg-tutorials/methanol/
, you will find all relevant
files to run an atomistic simulation of liquid methanol and obtain CG
potentials with the IBI, IMC and FM method. Look at the SPC/E water
tutorial to learn how to do this. You can compare the differences of the
CG potentials, RDFs and thermodynamics between the different CG schemes
and the atomistic simulation to the differences of the SPC/E water
simulations. You will see that in the case of methanol, a pair potential
is a better approximation to an ideal CG potential as in the SPC/E water
case. The reason is that non-bonded 3-body effects are less important.
Coarse-graining of liquid hexane¶
Go to the folder csg-tutorials/hexane/
. So far, we only considered
single bead mappings. Hexane is a small alkane molecule. In this
tutorial, a 3 bead CG mapping with one bond type and one angle type is
Atomistic simulation¶
Go into the csg-tutorials/hexane/atomistic/
folder. Have a look at
the mapping file hexane.xml
. The hexane molecule is mapped to 3
beads with two different bead types with two bonds (of the same type)
and one angle. You will find all relevant GROMACS input files in the
folder. Have a look at the run.sh
script. Again, adjust the number
of time steps and the output frequencies in grompp.mdp and run an
atomistic simulation. Extract the thermodynamic information
) and calculate the 3 different RDFs (A-A,
B-B, A-B) and the bond and angle distributions with csg_stat
. In
addition, you can compute the bond and angle distributions with
(see run_boltzmann.sh
) Compare the distributions
to those in csg-tutorials/hexane/ibi_all
obtained by a significantly
longer atomistic MD run. You can map the (final) .gro file of the
atomistic simuation to the CG one to get all necessary information for
running the IBI procedure.
IBI for all interactions¶
Go to the folder csg-tutorials/hexane/ibi_all
. The folder contains
target RDFs and bond and angle distributions from a longer atomistic MD
run. Have a look at the settings.xml
file. It contains the sections
for the non-bonded and bonded interactions. The three non-bonded
interactions are updated every 3rd iteration step (first A-A, then B-B
and then A-B, etc., see the cg.non-bonded.inverse.do_potential
section). The bonded interactions are updated every iteration step.
Adjust the number of time steps and output frequency in the
file and the equilibration time in the settings.xml
file (cg.inverse.gromacs.equi_time
) and start the IBI iterations.
Calculate the pressure after several iterations using gmx energy
You can do this by copying the Extract_Energies.sh
script from the
main folder (csg-tutorials/spce/ibi/
) to the appropriate step folder
) and executing it.
IBI for non-bonded interactions only¶
Go to the folder csg-tutorials/hexane/ibi_nonbonded
. The folder
contains the same target RDFs as the csg-tutorials/hexane/ibi_all
folder. In addition, it contains the tabulated bond and angle potentials
and table_a1.xvg
). They are obtained by
(non-iterative) Boltzmann inversion of the bond and angle target
distribution functions of a longer MD simulation run. You can compute
them with csg_boltzmann
(see the run_boltzmann.sh
script). A
lack of statistics will become most apparent at lower values of the
angle. In this case you might want to adjust the min value in the
file. Compare your results with the pre-computed ones
and table_a1.xvg
) and with the ones in the
subfolder step_001
in csg-tutorials/hexane/ibi_all
Again, adjust
the number of time steps and equilibration time and start the iteration
process. Calculate the pressure and compare the thermodynamic properties
as well as the obtained non-bonded potentials with the ones of the
csg-tutorials/hexane/ibi_all tutorial
. Calculate the bond and angle
distributions (This can be done with csg_stat
, using the
file and the hexane_cg.xml
mapping file of the
FM for all interactions together¶
Go to the folder csg-tutorials/hexane/force_matching
. The folder
contains the hexane mapping file with bond and angle interactions
) and the force matching options file (fmatch.xml
Have a look at both files and the run.sh
script and start the force
matching procedure. Basis is the atomistic trajectory with force output
in csg-tutorials/hexane/atomistic
. Integrate the force output to
obtain the potentials and convert them to GROMACS tables. (see the
script). Compare the obtained potentials to the IBI
potentials. You can run CG simulations with the CG potentials, again,
using the conf.gro
, topol.top
, index.ndx
and grompp.mdp
files from the csg-tutorials/hexane/ibi_all
folder. Calculate the
RDFs, bond and angle distributions. When comparing the results to the
IBI potentials, you will see that in some cases, force matching can have
problems with bonded interactions, especially if the functional form of
the coarse-grained force field lacks essential interactions such as
bond-angle or 3-body correlations. In such cases it can help to perform
force matching only on the non-bonded contributions as was shown
here: [ruhle2011hybrid].
FM for non-bonded interactions only¶
The files for the tutorial can be found in
. The folder should
contain all necessary files to reproduce the plots from the
publication [ruhle2011hybrid]. To be able
to parametrize only the non-bonded interactions via force matching, an
atomistic trajectory has to be generated containing only forces
contributing to the non-bonded interactions, meaning all other
contributions need to be excluded. This is achieved by generating a
second atomistic topoly file. Have a look at the topol.top file and
compare it to the one in csg-tutorials/hexane/atomistic/
. All bonded
interactions have been deleted. Furthermore, all intramolecular
interactions have been explicitly excluded. Generate the binary GROMACS
topology file using this topol.top
file and the conf.gro
file of the reference atomistic trajectory
). Then, generate the trajectory
file with excluded bonded interactions using gmx mdrun
with the
option. (Have a look at the corresponding lines of the
script). Have a look at the fmatch.xml
file. It now only
contains the non-bonded interactions. Start the FM calculation.
Afterwards, intergrate the force output and convert the potentials to
GROMACS tables (see the run.sh
script). You can run the CG
simulation, using the conf.gro
, topol.top
, index.ndx
files and the bond and angle potential (table_b1.xvg
and table_a1.xvg
) from the csg-tutorials/hexane/ibi_nonbonded/
folder. Calculate the RDFs, bond and angle distributions and compare the
results to the IBI results and FM of all interactions together.
Regularization of the inverse Monte Carlo method¶
For this tutorial go to the folder csg-tutorials/LJ1-LJ2/imc
Inverse Monte Carlo (IMC) needs a well defined cross-correlation matrix
for which enough sampling is needed. If there is not enough sampling the
algorithm might not converge to a stable solution. This might also
happen if the initial potential guess for the iterative scheme is too
far away from the real solution of the inverse problem. To overcome this
deficiency and to stabilize the algorithm one could apply the so called
Tikhonov regularization, which is a common technique to regularize
ill-posed inverse problems. For further information on the Tikhonov
regularization and/or ill-posed inverse problems in general don’t
hesitate to have a look at the manual at section
Regularization of Inverse Monte Carlo
to get a short overview or for a more detailed description at this
publication [Rosenberger:2016]
or consult any book of choice on regularization of inverse problems.
This tutorial can be considered to be a proof of concept. It is based on
the above mentioned
publication: [Rosenberger:2016].
Here the user should get familiar with the application of the Tikhonov
regularization and should see its benefit. The file run.sh
execute a preliminary run of 10 steps of iterative Boltzmann inverson
(IBI) before the IMC method is applied. The users should figure out what
happens if the preliminary IBI steps are skipped and should test
different regularization parameters (e.g. 10,100.300,1000). The folder
also contains a short python script which performs a singular value
decomposition of the cross-correlation matrix (svd.py
). Based on
this decomposition one could get an educated guess on the order of the
magnitude of the regularization parameter. It should be larger than the
smallest singular values squared and smaller compared to the larger
Additional tutorials¶
Have a look in the folder csg-tutorials
. It contains additional
tutorials on propane, methanol-water and urea-water mixtures. To do the
tutorials, have a look at the corresponding run.sh
Advanced topics¶
Extending the scripting framework¶
Write a post update script, which smooths the tail of a potential by
transforming dU(r)
to s(r)dU(r)
s(r) = 1 for r < rt
s(r) = 1-(rc-rt)-3(r - rt)2(3rc-rt-2r) for rt < r < rc
s(r) = 0 for r > rt
Hints: Start from skeleton.pl
and use pressure_cor_simple.pl
a template.
Writing an analysis tool¶
VOTCA allows to write your own analysis code. There are many examples and two templates for serial and threaded analysis. If you are willing to learn how to write your own analysis in C++, ask for assistance.